When the saints

When the Saints Go Marching In, souvent abrégée en The Saints, est une chanson de type Negro Spiritual partiellement inspirée de la musique folk.



Une utilisation traditionnelle de la chanson est une marche funéraire, dans la tradition de La Nouvelle-Orléans (« jazz funéraire »), pendant que le cercueil est amené au cimetière. De retour de l'enterrement, le groupe change de style pour adopter le plus habituel et joyeux hot ou Dixieland.

L'un des premiers enregistrements connus est celui du label Paramount, interprété par les Paramount Jubilee Singers et publié en novembre 1923. L'une des interprétations les plus célèbres est celle du jazzman Louis Armstrong, qui l'a enregistré et chanté très souvent au cours de sa carrière, notamment avec Ella Fitzgerald.

Henri Salvador a adapté cette chanson en français, sous le titre Oh ! Quand les Saints, sur des paroles de Boris Vian.


 Source : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/When_the_Saints_Go_Marching_In 

 Image http://roqnrol.com/death-by-jazz-the-new-orleans-funeral-march/ 





We are trav'ling in the footsteps

Of those who've gone before

But we'll all be reunited (but if we stand reunited)

On a new and sunlit shore (then a new world is in store)


O when the saints go marching in

When the saints go marching in

O Lord I want to be in that number

When the saints go marching in


And when the sun refuse (begins) to shine

And when the sun refuse (begins) to shine

O Lord I want to be in that number

When the saints go marching in


When the moon turns red with blood

When the moon turns red with blood

O Lord I want to be in that number

When the saints go marching in


On that hallelujah day

On that hallelujah day

O Lord I want to be in that number

When the saints go marching in


O when the trumpet sounds the call

O when the trumpet sounds the call

O Lord I want to be in that number

When the saints go marching in



 Some say this world of trouble

Is the only one we need

But I'm waiting for that morning

When the new world is revealed


When the revelation (revolution) comes

When the revelation (revolution) comes

O Lord I want to be in that number

When the saints go marching in


When the rich go out and work

When the rich go out and work

O Lord I want to be in that number

When the saints go marching in


When the air is pure and clean

When the air is pure and clean

O Lord I want to be in that number

When the saints go marching in


When we all have food to eat

When we all have food to eat

O Lord I want to be in that number

When the saints go marching in


When our leaders learn to cry

When our leaders learn to cry

O Lord I want to be in that number


When the saints go marching in